Many students want to play various forms of pop music. After all, this is what they hear most often and what their peers listen to. I don’t discourage this – it can help motivate them to continue their efforts learning music and give them something to work towards. However, studying classical music gives exposure to valuable music which is usually neglected in our culture. It is vital for piano students because it offers a vast repertoire and builds technique, musicality, and interpretation.
By exploring composers like Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven, students learn structure, expressiveness and the nuance which is inherent in fine music of many types. Classical music also instills discipline, patience, and perseverance, challenging students with complex rhythms, harmonies, and emotions. It inspires appreciation for masterpieces and provides the foundation for musical growth and exploration. From a practical perspective, it allows students to participate in events such as festivals and competitions which usually require specific types of music. Finally, when a student can play classical music and perhaps some jazz, they will be equipped to play any other type of music they choose.