Grade One
Piano Soft
Forte Loud, Strong
Allegro Fast
Crescendo Gradually louder
Staccato Short, detached
Tempo Speed the music moves
Mezzo Piano Medium soft
Mezzo Forte Medium loud
Grade Two
Flat Lower one half step
Sharp Raise one half step
Legato Smoothly connected
Accent Strong emphasis
Diminuendo Gradually Softer
Tie Curved line connecting notes on same line or space
Slur Curved line above or below two or more notes
Ritardando Gradually slower
Interval The pitch distance between two notes
Moderato Moderately
8va Octave sign
Grade Three
Tenuto Hold full value
Portato Detached but not staccato
Andante Walking tempo
Andantino Slightly faster than andante
Dolce Gently, sweetly
Cantabile In a singing manner
Fortissimo Very loud
Pianissimo Very soft
Lento Slow
Fermata Hold about twice as long
Grade Four
Sforzando Sudden strong accent
Allegretto Somewhat fast
Con brio With spirit
Vivace Lively, quick
Espressivo Expressively
Scherzando Playful